JUMP TOGeneralIntroductionSygna Bridge API V2ReminderBridgeBridge/VASPgetBridge/VASPDetailgetBridge/VASPUsagegetBridge/VASP/BeneficiaryEndpointUrlpostBridge/VASP/BeneficiaryCheckingRulepostBridge/VASP/ServerStatuspostBridge/CurrenciesgetBridge/StatusgetBridge/AddressValidationpostBridge/PermissionRequestpostBridge/CDDRequestpostBridge/PermissionpostBridge/TransactionIDpostBridge/RetrypostBridge/CDDpostBridge/CancelpostBridge/Wallet Address FilterpostAbout Sygna BridgeVASP APIBeneficiary/AddressValidationpostBeneficiary/PermissionRequestpostBeneficiary/TransactionIDpostOriginator/PermissionpostVASP/CDDpostBeneficiary/CancelpostCustom ObjectsPermissionRequest.DataPermissionRequest.CallbackTransactionAddressCryptocurrencyBVRCErrorsSygna Hubselfget current release, version the path could be used for health checkgetHub/currenciesGet supported currenciesgetHub/customersGet customersgetupdate customersputCreate customerspostupdate customerspatchget specific customer detailgetHub/customers-exportgenerate customers reportgetdownload customer reportgetget customer report processing statusgetHub/data-transfer-exportgenerate transaction reportgetdownload transactions reportgetget transaction report processing statusgetHub/global-vaspget global-vaspgetHub/oauth2get oauth tokenpostdelete oauth token from databasedeleteHub/ownershipsthe API would be used when you want to see a list of all validationsgetthe API would be used when you want to validate an address whether belong to a user who owns private walletpostyou couldn't validate some address that it is processing or accepted until you cancel itpatchthe API would be used when you received a reply from the receiver and you want to accept or reject the replypatchthe API would be used when a receiver lets you send a email againpatchthe API would be used when the validation that including risky address wouldn't be sent until you unblock itpatchthe API would be used when you get the ownership identifier from the link that you received and want to reply to the validationpatchthe API would be used when you received a link that asks you to validate the address whether belong to yougetthe API would be used when you want to see a validation detailgetHub/rollbackget rollbackgetupdate rollbackputHub/servicesget servicesgetupdate servicesputcreate servicespostget supported services and its configgetHub/settingsget settingsgetupdate settingsputcreate settingspostget default settingsgetget supported settingsgetHub/transactionsget transactionsgetcreate transactionspostsend permission to originatorpatchunblock or cancel transactionspatchsend transaction identifier on blockchain to beneficiarypatchdetermine whether a specific wallet address belongs to a VASP or an unhosted walletpostget specific transactiongetHub/transactions/email-protocolsend email to originator VASP and ask him to fill customer informationpostaccept or reject this transaction when received customer information from originatorpatchsend own customer information to beneficiary or reject this request when received email from beneficiarypatchsend transaction hash when received accept from beneficiarypatchsend permission to originator from email protocol VASPpostverify if token is valid and get its transaction identifiergetHub/transactions/sanction-matchlet user do sanction screeningpostget report from sanction screening servicegetHub/usersget all usersgetcreate userspostdelete users(member)deleteactivate or deactivate users(member)patchchange login passwordpatchlink your account to third party servicepostunlink your account from third party servicedeleteget specific or self user datagetget users audit historygetHub/vendorsSynchronize Sygna Bridge TransactionsgetSynchronize Shyft Attestationsgettest if third-party service is availablepostHub/webhook-logget all webhook logsgetresend failed webhook eventgetHub/global-vasp-exportgenerate global-vasp reportgetget global-vasp report processing statusgetdownload global-vasp reportgetthe API would be used when you received a reply from the receiver and you want to accept or reject the replypatch httsp://example.com/v1/ownerships/confirm